The following is a marine accident brief from the National Transportation Safety Board:
Accident summary
On August 25, 2012, about 1245 Eastern Daylight Time, the 477-foot-long tanker Wawasan Ruby, with 24 persons on board, allided with the CSX Bayside Coal Pier (CSX Pier) in Baltimore Harbor, Maryland, while the tanker was making a turn toward its destination berth. One person on the pier was injured. The damage to the pier totaled more than $2 million; the Wawasan Ruby sustained an estimated $15,000 in damage.
Probable cause
The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of the allision of the tanker Wawasan Ruby with the CSX Bayside Coal Pier was the high rate of speed at which the pilot and the master were operating the vessel while attempting a 70-degree turn into Curtis Creek.
To read the complete accident report, click here.