About Us
Professional Mariner magazine has been a valuable resource for the owners and operators of commercial maritime vessels of all types in the U.S. and Canada since 1993.
The magazine is written for professionals who work in the maritime industry, both onboard vessels and onshore. The editorial emphasis is on training and licensing, maritime casualties, technology, engineering and regulatory trends and issues. Professional Mariner publishes twelve print issues a year, 9 regular issues plus 3 special annual issues. These annuals are American Tugboat Review, American Ship Review, and the American Training Directory. Professional Mariner also offers e-mail newsletters, a website and a digital replica of the print magazine (the digital edition has world-wide reach).
The magazine is owned by Maritime Publishing which also publishes Ocean Navigator, Pacific Maritime, and Fishermen’s News magazines. Professional Mariner’s lead editor is Casey Conley, a veteran reporter with a career spanning several decades. Professional Mariner was originally published by Navigator Publishing in Portland, Maine by Greg Walsh and Alex Agnew.
The magazine is now published by Maritime Publishing, a Division of Training Resources Limited.
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Professional Mariner

American Tugboat Review

American Ship Review

American Training Directory