Advertise in Professional Mariner's ProPages!
Professional Mariner magazine now offers you a new advertising format to fit your budget.
The ProPages will give your business visibility to Professional Mariner readers 12 times a year (every issue).
Get your ad seen in a valuable market regularly so your brand is the first product that comes to mind.
The price is based on a 12-time commitment.
Choose a size within your budget (ads are 4-color):
3/16th page $625.00 | 1/8th page $400.00 | 1/16th page $250.00

Get your smaller ad seen in a valuable market.
Market your brand regularly so it is the first product that comes to mind.
Prices based on a twelve-time commitment.
To advertise contact our sales team:
Katie Higgins | 206-914-4248
Pacific Northwest (WA, OR, ID, MT, WY) katie@maritimepublishing.com
Charlie Humphries | 207-939-1929
East Coast U.S. & Canada/ Midwest, Gulf Coast U.S. & International charlie@maritimepublishing.com