Published December 29, 2010
Today’s Federal Register carries a Notice announcing that the National Maritime at the Security Advisory Committee will meet “to discuss various issues relating to national maritime security” on January, 2011 at the American Bureau of Shipping in Arlington, VA. The meeting will be open to the public, with sessions scheduled to last from 9:00 AM through 4:00 PM on January 19th and from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM on the 20th. The meeting may end early if all business is completed. There is “very limited” seating for the public on-site, but public participation will also be available through “a web enabled interactive online format and teleconference.” Members of the public may request to make an oral presentation to the Committee and/or to have written materials distributed to members of the Committee. The agenda for this meeting of the National Maritime Security Advisory Committee is as follows:
(1) Port Security Grants.
(2) Global Supply Chain Security Policy Efforts.
(3) Update to the Maritime Infrastructure Recovery Plan and the Maritime Transportation System Security Recommendations.
(4) Results of Maritime Transportation Security Act Tasking.
The Notice also provides instructions for
Registering for on-site seating
Registering for on-line participation
Requesting to make an oral presentation to the Committee
Submitting written materials to the Committee (either at the meeting or to the members in advance)
Except for registering for on-line participation, all of these actions must be accomplished by January 10th. One can only hope that the scheduling the meeting at the American Bureau of Shipping will avoid the problems that plagued the audio system at last July’s meeting of the Committee at Coast Guard Headquarters. Otherwise, the internet opportunity for public participation won’t amount to much. Tip of the Hat to my good friend Dennis Bryant and his Bryant’s Maritime Blog for digging this one out of the Federal Register. NOTE: This post may be copied, distributed, and displayed and derivative works may be based on it, provided it is attributed to Maritime Transportation Security News and Views by John C. W. Bennett,