Exhibiting in Booth #2033, MOPS Marine License Insurance will be joining professionals from throughout the maritime industry at the International WorkBoat Show 2007.
Considered the leading commercial-maritime event serving commercial vessel operators on offshore, inland, and coastal waters, and businesses that provide products and services to these markets, the International WorkBoat Show 2007 will be held at the Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, November 28-30.
MOPS representatives will be on hand to showcase the company’s complete range of marine license insurance products and services and to network with colleagues from throughout the maritime industry.
The International WorkBoat Show annually draws more than 1,000 exhibitors and visitors from 48 states and 42 countries. In addition to the tradeshow, this year’s program will feature two days of conference sessions aimed at improving safety, developing business, and understanding evolution and change in the commercial-maritime industry.
MOPS, North America’s original and foremost marine license insurance program, provides prepaid legal defense insurance and income protection to U.S. Coast Guard licensed deck and engineering officers, state and federal pilots and tankermen serving aboard every type of commercial vessel on the oceans, harbors, Great Lakes and U.S. inland waters. MOPS is a division of the Lancer Insurance Company, which carries an A- Excellent rating from the A.M. Best Company.