Mary Ann Moran

Moran Towing Corp. keeps cranking out the articulated tug-barge (ATB) units, but the latest one is slightly different than its predecessors, all of which were set up to haul oil barges. The new ATB tug Mary Ann Moran pushes the 531-foot dry-bulk barge Virginia enroute to San Juan with a cargo of grain.  The 121-foot, 5,300-hp tug was completed recently…
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Seaspan Raven

Seaspan Marine Corp., the largest tugboat operation in the Vancouver, B.C. area on Canada's West Coast, has taken delivery of the first of four new tugs built in Turkey, with others either soon to arrive or on the way. {C} {C} Seaspan Raven, the newest tug in the fleet of Seaspan Marine Corp., cruises in front of the Vancouver, B.C.,…
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Ocean Wave

Since Crowley Maritime began its fleet modernization program in 2002, size, performance and impact on the environment of each new class of vessel have grown bigger, grown faster and grown greener. Legacy, the first of three 750-class ATB tugs, nears completion at Dakota Creek Industries. (Photo courtesy Crowley Maritime)   First out were four of the 550-series of ATB units,…
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