The United States Maritime Institute announced the scheduling of an integrated training course for auditing both the ISM and ISPS Code simultaneously.
The aim of the class is to impart the participants with detailed knowledge and understanding of the ISM Code, ISPS Code, and auditing techniques, thus being able to carry out simultaneous ISM Code and ISPS Code internal audits to maintain their ships in compliance.
This classroom training course will explain the ISM Code’s and ISPS Code’s background and development, including the special nature in comparison with ISO standards and national standards. In addition to providing an understanding of ship types, the audit tools needed for monitoring, and the key definitions used in the codes, the class will relate the ISM Code’s and ISPS Code’s purpose and objectives to mandatory compliance and safety/security culture development.
Participants will also learn the ISM Code’s and ISPS Code’s functional requirements and their implications for a company, its fleet, and Contracting Governments. The course will list and explain the ISM Code’s and ISPS Code’s varied interpretations for ships and port facilities, how they are enforced by Contracting Governments, and the key factors to identify during an integrated safety/security audit.
The class will take place in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on October 17th through 19th, 2007.