Transas to supply TechSim cloud solutions to SUNY Maritime

(THROGGS NECK, N.Y.) — The Navsim Services and Transas Americas Team have been awarded contracts for supply of a combination of full mission, classroom and cloud-based Transas technical simulation (TechSim) solutions for the State University of New York (SUNY) Maritime College.
The full mission and classroom systems are being procured to meet forthcoming new United States Coast Guard (USCG) National Maritime Center (NMC) training requirements, and include multiple models from the Transas library with the latest functional capabilities of the Transas TechSim platform. The suite of simulators will be deployed in early 2015, with roll out of cloud-based simulation scheduled to go live soon after.

Transas cloud-based simulation is a new offering that will deliver simulation solutions as a service (SaaS) via the Internet, to users who can be equipped with a potential variety of internet ready devices, utilizing standard browsers, without the need for specific Transas software to be loaded on the client device. With an ever increasing student load, increased call for simulation in technical courses, and limited supervised simulation class time available, SUNY Maritime College’s objective is to utilize Transas cloud-based simulation to provide simulator access outside of the classroom setting, on demand, to ease the training burden. It is envisioned that initial online content will encompass course preparation tasks, familiarization, exercise and exam preparation, with students able to take additional simulation time to ensure they fully comprehend all class modules.

Transas cloud simulation services being delivered to SUNY include a secure site within the cloud for SUNY’s content, Instructor access for upload, download and preparation of content, student access control, and related support services under an extended TRANSERV contract. Importantly, the solution includes the management tools needed for SUNY administrators to create and manage student records and  accounts,  as well as monitor and manage cloud simulation usage and cost statistics.

Transas cloud simulation offers many advantages to Transas simulation users, not least of which is the efficiency and flexibility of being able to use the same interfaces and exercises (including e-Tutor integration), as their deployed simulators. Instructors can access the simulator from their personal devices whenever they wish, whether it be from home or any other location where they can access the Internet, or collaborate with others remotely. Information Technology costs can be reduced with less expenditure on infrastructure, and support.
Steve Dear, TechSim product expert with Transas Americas, commented, “We are excited to be at the leading edge of this technology in maritime training, and at the response to this offering from our customers since the concept was first introduced to them at the Transas Simulation User Conference in Maryland last summer. We believe that the SUNY cloud simulation project represents a significant step forward for delivery of simulation to our customers, opening up many new training opportunities inside and outside the confines of the classroom.”
About SUNY Maritime College

SUNY Maritime College is the oldest and largest of the seven maritime academies in the nation. Founded in 1874 by the Marine Society of the City of New York, SUNY Maritime is a four-year college, which offers a solid academic program coupled with a structured cadet life in the regiment for both men and women, or a civilian program. Maritime offers undergraduate and graduate degrees with the option of either US Coast Guard license or intern programs, summer training cruises abroad, ROTC options, and 15 varsity athletic teams. The College is located in New York City at historic Fort Schuyler, 6 Pennyfield Ave., Throggs Neck, New York. The College’s beautiful 55-acre campus offers some of the best views of the New York skyline, the East River, and the Long Island Sound.  This year the College celebrates its 140th anniversary year.

By Professional Mariner Staff