The 16-person membership includes 7 representatives of the Barge and Towing Industry (reflecting a regional geographical balance); 1 member from the Offshore Mineral and Oil Supply Vessel Industry; and 2 members from each of the following areas: Maritime Labor; Shippers (of whom at least one shall be engaged in the shipment of oil or hazardous materials by barge); Port Districts, Authorities, or Terminal Operators; and the General Public.
The Coast Guard is currently considering applications for 2 positions from the Barge and Towing Industry, 1 position from Port Districts, Authorities, or Terminal Operators; 1 position from Maritime Labor; and 1 position from the General Public. To be eligible, applicants should have particular expertise, knowledge, and experience relative to the position in towing operations, marine transportation, or business operations associated with shallow-draft inland and coastal waterway navigation and towing safety.
You may request an application form by writing to: TSAC Application; Commandant (CG-5221/TSAC)Room 1210; U.S. Coast Guard; 2100 Second Street SW.; Washington, DC 20593-0001; by calling 202-372-1401; or by faxing 202-372-1926. The application form is also available on the internet at
And look for Application of Committee Membership “ACM.” You may also e-mail Mr. Gerald Miante, Assistant Executive Director, at for an electronic .pdf copy.
Send your original completed and signed application (2 pages) in written form to the above street address. Be sure to sign and include the short page that allows us to keep political affiliation on file. The first (instruction) page is not required.
When filling-in the “Name of Committee you are interested in” block, please indicate “TSAC” followed by the position category for which you are applying. In addition to your “HOME ADDRESS,” please include your e-mail address in that block. Also, in addition to your phone number, please indicate your fax number in the “TELEPHONE” block.
For further information please contact the Assistant Executive Director.