The following is the text of a press release issued by the U.S. Coast Guard:
(BARBOURSVILLE, W.V.) — The U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Huntington is investigating and responding to the sinking of a towing vessel and oil spill at mile marker seven in the Big Sandy River, Thursday.
The Coast Guard received a call from Gate City River Transportation, stating that the towing vessel Trojan had sank and approximately 500 gallons of oil had been released into the river.
The spill has been contained with oil containment boom and absorbent material by the vessel owner, Gate City River Transportation. Weavertown Environmental Group, an environmental response contractor, is also on scene and assisting in clean-up efforts.
The Coast Guard will monitor the clean-up and work with Gate City River Transportation to ensure that the Trojan is raised as soon as river conditions facilitate salvage operations.