NTSB: Ships’ wakes led to barge strike in New Orleans lock

NTSB: Ships’ wakes led to barge strike in New Orleans lock

(WASHINGTON) — Surging water from the Mississippi River led to a 2023 barge strike on a gate at Algiers Lock in New Orleans, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said Thursday. The Algiers Lock connects the Mississippi River to a network of inland waterways. On July 4, 2023, the towing vessel Kitty was pushing two loaded tank barges into the…
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NTSB renews call for passenger vessel SMS after Boston fire

NTSB renews call for passenger vessel SMS after Boston fire

(WASHINGTON) — An improperly extinguished chafing fuel heating canister, canned heat used to keep food and beverages warm, led to a fire on the passenger vessel Spirit of Boston last year while moored at the Commonwealth Pier in Boston Harbor, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said Tuesday. As a result of the investigation, the NTSB issued four new safety…
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NTSB to host forum on transportation automation

NTSB to host forum on transportation automation

(WASHINGTON) — The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) will hold an in-person public forum, "Automation in Transportation: Lessons for Safe Implementation," on March 11-12 in Washington, D.C. The forum, led by NTSB Chairwoman Jennifer Homendy with participation by all NTSB board members, will focus on safety issues related to automation in all transportation modes: aviation, highway, rail, pipeline and marine.…
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Parted wire forces crew to release barges, causing dock strike

Parted wire forces crew to release barges, causing dock strike

(WASHINGTON) — On January 29, about 1230 local time, the towing vessel Nell Womack was pushing hopper barges ACL23401 and ACBL2549 upbound on the Lower Mississippi River when one of two facing wires connecting the towing vessel to barge ACL23401 parted. When it became unsafe for the towing vessel to remain attached by one facing wire, the crew released the…
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Assist tug destroys fender after ATB lined up incorrectly

Assist tug destroys fender after ATB lined up incorrectly

(WASHINGTON) — The deteriorated fender system protecting the Hylebos Bridge in Tacoma, Wash., was damaged beyond repair last October after being struck by a tugboat assisting an articulated tug-barge (ATB). The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said Tuesday that the captain of the ATB did not line up the vessel correctly to safely transit under the bridge. The tugboat Olympic…
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NTSB to Coast Guard: Finish work on passenger vessel SMS

NTSB to Coast Guard: Finish work on passenger vessel SMS

(SANTA BARBARA, Calif.) — On the fifth anniversary of the 2019 Conception dive boat fire that killed 34 people, National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Chairwoman Jennifer Homendy held a media availability with the families of the victims and again called on the U.S. Coast Guard to require safety management systems (SMS) for all U.S.-flagged passenger vessels. “For five years, I’ve…
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