Coast Guard rescues nine from burning rig in Sabine Pass

Coast Guard rescues nine from burning rig in Sabine Pass

(HOUSTON) — The U.S. Coast Guard rescued nine people Thursday from a drilling rig on fire in Sabine Pass, Texas. Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston watch standers received a notification at 12:51 p.m. from the dredging vessel Ohio that Pride Wisconsin, a mobile offshore drilling unit, was on fire. Watch standers issued an urgent marine information broadcast and launched a Coast…
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NTSB: Dredge hit Texas gas pipeline, causing fire that killed four

NTSB: Dredge hit Texas gas pipeline, causing fire that killed four

Four crewmembers died and at least six others were injured when the dredge Waymon L. Boyd became engulfed in fire while working in the Corpus Christi Ship Channel. State and federal agencies are still investigating the incident, but the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) believes the 152-foot cutterhead suction dredge struck a submerged gas pipeline. The impact ignited a massive…
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Fatal dive boat fire attributed to operator’s oversight failures

Fatal dive boat fire attributed to operator’s oversight failures

Before dawn on Sept. 2, 2019, a crewman aboard the dive boat Conception awoke to a strange sound. He investigated and found the vessel’s salon compartment, one deck below, aglow with fire. He awoke four co-workers sleeping nearby, and together they attempted to reach the 34 people sleeping below deck. Flames and intense heat on the main deck made the…
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Key NTSB findings

• Most of the victims on Conception were awake but could not escape the bunk room before all were overcome by smoke inhalation. • The source of ignition was not confirmed, although the electrical distribution system of the vessel, unattended batteries being charged and improperly discarded smoking materials were the most likely sources. • Interconnected smoke detectors in all accommodation…
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Military stokes patrol boat demand; Gladding-Hearn leads on pilot boats

Military stokes patrol boat demand; Gladding-Hearn leads on pilot boats

There were plenty of noteworthy small ships built within the last year in the pilot, patrol and fireboat sector. Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding led the market in pilot boat deliveries once again, while Metal Shark completed multiple pilot launches and has a faceted pilot boat under construction now. The patrol boat market remains steady, bolstered by multiple projects for the U.S. Navy.…
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