The following is a letter from Rear Adm. Michael Alfultis, president of the State University of New York (SUNY) Maritime College, and Capt. Robert Johnston, chairman of the SUNY Maritime Foundation:
(THROGGS NECK, N.Y.) — I am delighted to announce the formation of the SUNY Maritime Foundation, a tax-exempt, not-for-profit corporation dedicated to helping us preserve and strengthen the college far into the future. The mission of the foundation is to be the primary organization to raise and manage private financial support for SUNY Maritime College that will assist the college to achieve its mission and vision while at the same time enriching the educational quality of the college to benefit the students and the faculty.
The six founding foundation board members are illustrious alumni and leaders of industry including the chairman, Capt. Robert Johnston ’69, former president and CEO of Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc.; and members John M. Bree ’78, vice chairman and a retired executive of Exxon Mobil Corp.; Richard Angerame ’73, president and CEO of UtiliVisor; William F. Austen ’80, president and CEO of Bemis Co. Inc.; Capt. Ioannis (John) Frangos ’85, ’87, chairman and CEO of Seaways Maritime International; and Joe Maurelli ’63, former president, CEO and chairman of Techmatics Inc. I look forward to working closely with the board going forward, as well as my colleagues Vice President for University Relations Aimee Bernstein, and Vice President for Finance and Administration Scott Dieterich to ensure the foundation’s success.
The goundation board members will serve as advocates and supporters, bringing their knowledge and perspective to conversations about the betterment of the college. They will stand beside us as we compose the strongest entering class possible each gall and, more importantly, help us ensure that our students are prepared as alumni for many years of career success after graduation. These executives and influencers will provide advice and guidance, access and reach as well as financial contributions to the institution. The group will help to augment the college’s resources in alignment with our strategic needs. In the changing landscape of the maritime industry, where our graduates are in high demand, the Foundation will help us stay on the front edge of industry trends and opportunities.
As we approach Maritime’s 150th year, we all have a great deal to be proud of. The foundation board will provide enormous value as they combine their intimate knowledge of the college, its mission and daily workings with a view of the industry from its pinnacle.
At this pivotal moment in our college’s long and distinguished history, I am convinced that the establishment of the SUNY Maritime Foundation will enable us to raise the bar on the maritime education that we provide.
Together, we will thrive for the next 150 years.