The following is the text of a news release from the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME):
(ALEXANDRIA, Va.) — SNAME is offering continuing education courses in conjunction with the World Maritime Technology Conference (WMTC) on Nov. 3 in Providence, R.I.
The sessions are scheduled from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (time subject to change depending on instructor) and will be held in the Rhode Island Convention Center meeting rooms. The cost is $210 for members, $410 for non-members and $100 for students.
Here is a look at the courses:
Practical Seakeeping — Ed Lewandowski
This course will provide the background necessary to understand and develop seakeeping specifications and reports. After a general discussion of performance requirements, the specification of the wave environment will be described, including definitions of sea states and wave spectra as well as identification of sources of data. Determination of the ship response to the waves will next be explored, including use of model tests and prediction tools. The most commonly used tools will be described and compared. Quantitative measures of seakeeping performance, including absolute and relative motions, motions-at-a-point, slamming, MSI and MII, will be defined. Use of these quantitative measures in conjunction with performance criteria for the development of operability indices will be explained. Several examples will be considered, including a detailed examination of a seakeeping test report and development of an operability index. Practical methods to assess nonlinear vertical bending moments, fatigue, and parametric rolling, and special seakeeping assessment methods applicable to planing craft, will be discussed.
Familiarity with basic naval architecture is assumed. Note that the theory of ship motions will not be developed in this course; the emphasis is on the understanding and practical use of the input and output of the available prediction tools.
Early Phase Ship Design — Sean Walsh and Ben Capuco
This course is an overview of the early stage ship-design process, encompassing feasibility studies and preliminary design to show how an integrated ship design is developed, starting with a statement of the owner's requirements, proceeding through the development and refinement of the requirements by means of ship feasibility studies and, finally, to the development a fully integrated preliminary design that satisfies all requirements. Topics addressed include preliminary performance studies, ship synthesis models; hull, machinery, combat systems, and systems engineering analyses, trade-off studies, design integration; and notes on the design of specific ship types, including high-performance ships. The course is of value to engineers new to the field in ship design or already working in the field but not familiar with the early-stage design process. It will also be a refresher course for those naval architects and marine engineers wishing to update their skills in early phase ship design. All participants will be provided with copies of the instructor's presentation slides as well as a certificate of completion. Opportunities will be available for discussion between learners and the lecturers.
Yacht Design — Dr. Bob Beck and Kevin Maki
This course will focus on the design of displacement sailing yachts. Forces and moments acting on the yacht will be discussed leading to yacht performance analysis using speed polar plots. Methods of analysis to predict the different forces and moments will be presented including airfoil theory, keel and rudder design, yacht model testing, and sail design. A spreadsheet based velocity prediction program that computes speed polar diagrams will be given out in class. The course will draw heavily on the textbook "Principles of Yacht Design" by Lars Larsson, Rolf E Eliasson and Michal Orych, Fourth Edition, 2014.
For more information, contact Alana Alissa Yoshiko Anderson at or (703) 997-6705.