The following is the text of a news release from the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME):
(ALEXANDRIA, Va.) — SNAME has scheduled five industry training courses to run in the days immediately prior to the official schedule of events for the 2014 SNAME Maritime Convention, Oct. 20-25 at the Hyatt Regency in Houston.
The courses are offered to companies attending the 2014 SMC that regularly provide training courses to the industry.
Lloyd's Register: LNG as Fuel One-Day Seminar
Instructor: Jesus Larrinaga, senior surveyor in charge, Lloyd's Register Seattle Office
Tuesday, Oct. 21, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
This training course explains everything you need to know to ensure you are up to date with this exciting new development in the marine sector. It will enable you to make early and confident assessments of why, how and what LNG as fuel (LNGF) will mean to you and your fleet. To register for this course, contact Beth Collett,
Creative Systems: GHS Software Training for Naval Architects
Instructor: Lucas Hart, N.A.
Monday, Oct. 20-Wednesday, Oct. 22, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
A beginning-to-intermediate level course for naval architects, salvors, and others whose work requires the use of the GHS software. For more information, email
DNV GL-SNAME Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics for Offshore Applications
Instructors: Piotr Szalewski, principal engineer/DNV-GL Regional Approval Center, Houston, and Dr. Colum Holtam, principal engineer/DNV-GL Materials & Corrosion Technology Center, Houston
Tuesday, Oct. 21, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Cost: $350
Course content to include: basics of fatigue; fatigue analysis approaches; fatigue improvement techniques and fracture mechanics applications. To register for this course, contact Alaina Lucio,
HydroComp Inc.: HydroComp NavCad "Best Practices" Training Course
Instructor: Donald McPherson, technical cirector, HydroComp
Tuesday, Oct. 21, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Cost: $695
One-day training course for active users of NavCad, HydroComp's software for ship resistance and propulsion. The focus of the course will be to introduce and review "best practices" for experienced, new, and potential users of NavCad. For more information, call (603) 868-3344 or email
Numeca: Numeca USA — FINE/Marine "CFD for Naval Architects" Workshop
Tuesday, Oct. 21, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Cost: Free
This one-day workshop will provide an introduction to FINE/Marine, the only CFD tool dedicated solely to marine hydrodynamic applications. Attendees will be able to see for themselves how FINE/Marine guides the user through the CFD solution process, from start to finish. All the components are wrapped up in a naval architecture-oriented interface from CAD, to meshing, solving, and automated results viewing. Go to to register.
For more information about the 2014 SNAME Maritime Convention, including exhibit and sponsorship opportunities, contact Alana Anderson, SNAME director of events, or (703) 997-6705.
SNAME is an internationally recognized nonprofit, technical, professional society of individual members serving the maritime and offshore industries and their suppliers. Founded in 1893, the society comprises over 6,000 individuals throughout the world. Membership is open to all qualified applicants.