The following is the text of a news release from the Southeast Maritime and Transportation (SMART) Center:
(NORFOLK, Va. and BALTIMORE) — The SMART Center has announced it is now accepting applications for its annual summer Maritime and Transportation Institutes to be held this year in Norfolk, Va., and Baltimore, Md. The institutes are geared for secondary STEM and CTE educators, college faculty, guidance counselors, career coaches, and secondary and college-level administrators as well as maritime and transportation industry employees who would benefit from interacting directly with local educators for work force development.
June 25-30 — Norfolk, Va. (Tidewater Community College)
July 9-14 — Baltimore (Anne Arundel Community College)
The weeklong institutes are free of charge and include most meals (a few dinners will be on your own), all overnight lodging (for attendees who live at least 25 miles from the meeting site), and materials to take back for classroom use.
Participants who complete the institute, submit a related project in a timely manner, and provide follow-up surveying will earn six professional continuing education (CEUs) credits from Tidewater Community College and a $500 stipend.
For more information, contact Barbara R. Murray at (757) 401-8259 or email