The following is the text of a news release from the U.S. Coast Guard:
(JUNEAU, Alaska) — The tug Powhatan was successfully raised, dewatered and placed onto a removal barge in Sitka on Friday.
The tug Powhatan will depart Sitka and be taken to Seattle by barge for final disposition. During hoisting operations, a small amount of oil was released from the tug.
The tug's owner, Samson Tug and Barge Co., had effective preventative measures in place based on their wreck and pollution mitigation plan. The oil spill response organization was prepositioned at the scene throughout the duration of the lifting operation. All oil released during the hoisting of the tug was immediately contained and recovered using boom and sorbent material in accordance with the plan. Samson Tug and Barge Co. contracted five companies to complete diving, salvage and pollution response.
"The responsible party, Samson Tug and Barge Co., was extremely responsive and involved, ensuring a thorough pollution response," said Capt. Shannan Greene, federal on scene coordinator. "All involved parties, from federal and state agencies to the responsible party and contracted companies, worked together harmoniously for a safe recovery that minimized impact on the environment."
The protective boom around Starrigavan Bay has been removed and the broadcast notice to mariners for the area has been canceled.
Click here to view an earlier report.