(MARTINSBURG, W.Va.) — The National Maritime Center (NMC) is reopening Regional Examination Centers (RECs) Anchorage, Baltimore, Oakland, Portland, and St. Louis for limited examination services beginning Monday, Sept. 28.
Additionally, with the exception of Monitoring Unit (MU) Guam, all RECs and MUs are open for limited services. Mariners seeking to schedule examinations at these locations may do so by contacting the appropriate e-mail address or phone number:
REC Anchorage – recanc@uscg.mil
REC Baltimore – recbaltimore@uscg.mil
REC Boston – recboston@uscg.mil
REC Charleston – reccha@uscg.mil
REC Honolulu – rechonolulu@uscg.mil
REC Houston – rechoustonexam@uscg.mil
REC Juneau – recjun@uscg.mil
REC Long Beach – reclb@uscg.mil
REC Memphis – recmemphis@uscg.mil
REC Miami – recmia@uscg.mil or (305) 536-4331
REC New Orleans – recnola@uscg.mil
REC New York – recny@uscg.mil
REC Oakland – recoakland@uscg.mil
REC Portland – recportland@uscg.mil
REC Seattle – recseattle@uscg.mil
REC St. Louis – recstl@uscg.mil
REC Toledo – rectol@uscg.mil
MU Ketchikan – (907) 225-4496 (Ext. 3)
MU San Juan – (787) 729-2368
Examination appointment request e-mails should include the applicant’s name, mariner reference number, requested testing date(s), phone number, and a copy of their approved to test letter(s).
Exam services will be by appointment only. No walk-in appointments are available and all other application customer service functions will continue to be handled remotely.
Mariners will be subject to COVID-19 screening questions and a temperature check.
Mariners experiencing COVID-19 symptoms (fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea), will not be permitted to enter the REC/MU and will need to reschedule their appointment.
Mariners are required to wear a face covering at all times. Those who refuse to wear a face covering, or remove face coverings during exams, will be dismissed and could be subject to examination module failure. Persons with documented health issues which prevent them from wearing face coverings must notify the REC/MU when scheduling an appointment.
All exams fees must be satisfied prior to arriving at the REC for your exam. Pay.gov is the preferred method of payment. A receipt or other proof of payment will be required in order to take an examination and should be e-mailed to the REC prior to your arrival.
Mariners should bring their own No. 2 pencils, photo ID, a non-programmable calculator, and plotting equipment. No other personal belongings are allowed in the facility.
All counter service appointments and hand delivery of applications remain suspended. Please review the REC FAQs, located on the REC page of the NMC website for additional information regarding available services and entry requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Customer Service Center remains open 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday. Please reach our call center at 1-888-IASKNMC (427-5662) or IASKNMC@uscg.mil. The NMC will announce future REC/MU openings shortly.
– National Maritime Center