The following is the text of a news release from the National Maritime Center:
(MARTINSBURG, W.Va.) — The National Maritime Center (NMC) has recently noted an increase in the number of applications submitted for merchant mariner credentials in which applicants have not properly disclosed previous convictions in Section III of the CG-719B application form. As required by 46 Code of Federal Regulations 10.211 (a): “At the time of application, each applicant must provide written disclosure of all prior convictions not previously disclosed to the Coast Guard on an application.”
If an applicant pleads guilty or no contest, is granted deferred adjudication, or is required by a court to attend classes, make contributions of time or money, receive treatment, submit to any manner of probation or supervision, or forgo appeal of a trial court’s conviction, then the Coast Guard will consider the applicant to have received a conviction. Further, an applicant’s signature in Section III of the CG-719B application form acknowledges the potential consequences of false statements. All applicants are encouraged to be completely forthcoming in their disclosure of convictions, including those items expunged or purged. When in doubt, list it.
An updated version of the CG-719B application form is making its way through the approval process and will highlight this area of the application, including more complete instructions, in order to prevent omissions that may result in denials.
If you have questions, please contact the NMC at 1-888-IASKNMC (427-5662) or