The following is the text of a news release from the National Maritime Center (NMC):
(WASHINGTON) — Regional Examination Center (REC) Baltimore has reported an IT system malfunction that resulted in the deletion of its mariner application e-mail inbox. This malfunction occurred at approximately 8 a.m. EST on Tuesday, Nov. 16. Although the e-mail inbox has been restored, there may be a small number of applications that were submitted just prior to the malfunction that may be irretrievable. The NMC has confirmed that no personally identifiable information (PII) was compromised as a result of this IT system malfunction.
Mariners who e-mailed applications to the REC Baltimore application e-mail address ( between 4 p.m. EST Monday, Nov. 14 and 8 a.m. EST Tuesday, Nov. 15, may contact the NMC’s Customer Service Center to confirm that the application was received. Those mariners who may have received an undeliverable error message while attempting to submit an application to the REC Baltimore e-mail inbox are encouraged to resubmit their e-mail at this time.
Mariners may contact the NMC Customer Service Center using the online chat system, by e-mail at, or by calling (888) IASKNMC (427-5662) to determine the status of their e-mailed applications.