Major contractual items included in the Invitation for Bid are as follows:
Performance bond set at 25 % of Total Bid Price
Payment bond set at 25 % of Total Bid Price
Early delivery incentives. Scheduled delivery of each vessel is 958, 1057 and 1170 consecutive calendar days after the notice to commence work. The contract includes incentives ($2,200,000 total) of $10,000/day for the first vessel and $5,000/day for the remaining two vessels for early delivery up to 110 days ahead of contract delivery times. Earlier delivery is desirable.
ABS reviewed and approved Contract drawings
NYC prevailing wage rates are not applicable to this contract.
Bidders shall furnish documentation in accordance with Invitation for Bid, Section B2- Bidders Responsibilities and Qualifications.
Reduced Liquidated Damages
To obtain Contract Documents for a fee of $100.00, or for questions regarding the bidding process, contact Greg Hall, DEP Bid Room at (718) 595-3236. The Document Fee is waived for bidders who previously purchased a bid set. Older versions of contract documents from January 2008 and June 2008 bid sessions cannot be used as bases for bidding this contract; new sets must be obtained. The Bid Solicitation package includes:
1. Book 1 – Invitation for Bid
2. Book 2 – Information for Bidders, NYC Standard Construction Contract, General Specifications and Technical Specifications.
3. Contract Drawings (ABS approved)
4. Compact Disc containing above listed contract documents
There will be a non-mandatory pre-bid conference with call-in option on May 20, 2009, 1:00 pm at the NYC Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Engineering Design and Construction, 96-05 Horace Harding Expressway, 4th Floor – Low Rise Building, Corona , NY.
Competitive sealed bids are due July 30, 2009 at 11:30 AM (EST).
Advertisement for construction was posted April 15, 2009 in the THE CITY RECORD newspaper, an official journal of the City of New York. Visit the City Record On-Line web site at: