(HOUMA, La.) — Machine learning is a form of artificial intelligence that uses the computing power of the cloud to gain actionable insight from large volumes of data, without the need for programming, or preconceived ideas about what trends or patterns exist within the data.
Machine learning is redefining the value, accuracy and insightfulness of data analytics for many industries and working closely with Microsoft data scientists, MarineCFO has successfully created the first Windows Azure artificial intelligence platform for the maritime industry. The new product, MarineCFO SENSE, is an add-on module for Vessel 365 used by operators to automate data capture from onboard sensors, AIS units, and other devices. Information is lifted and shifted from the vessel to the cloud to drive maintenance strategies, advanced analytics such as fuel consumption, and machine learning predictions.
As an example, one of the predictions available in SENSE is route estimation. Using it, inland dispatchers can electronically provide customers an accurate ETA for the delivery or pickup of barges, at the beginning of a trip, and as the voyage proceeds. The prediction uses historical and real-time route information, AIS data, weather forecasts, delay predictions, waterway congestion, river currents, cargo, crew training records, and other information. The prediction has been verified to produce an average result of 95 percent accuracy, with many predictions even higher. As an example, for a specific trip pushing 20 barges over the course of six days between two facilities, an exact arrival time was predicted within one hour at the beginning of the job.
For more information, visit www.marinecfo.com.