The following is a safety alert from the American Steamship Owners Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association Inc. ("The American Club")::
In consequence of a recent casualty, and by reference to recent survey inspections,
your Managers have become concerned to note that oxygen and acetylene equipment
is in some cases being used without the fitment of flashback arrestors.
This is an extremely dangerous practice and Members are encouraged to check that all
oxy-acetylene equipment on their vessels is being kept in good condition and operated
In particular, flashback arrestors must always be fitted to the bottles. Bottles themselves
must always be stowed securely in an upright position with oxygen and acetylene
bottles stowed separately and away from each other, not in enclosed spaces.
Should Members have any questions or concerns in regard to the above, they are
invited to contact the Managers’ Loss Prevention department.
Click here to access the alert on the website of the American P&I Club.