(OAK BROOK, Ill.) — Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corp. has received a $26 million award for the Myrtle Beach Storm Damage Reduction Project. The scope of work includes placement of approximately 1.2 million cubic yards of material at North Myrtle Beach, Garden City and Surfside beaches in South Carolina. The project is funded through federal emergency beach rehabilitation from Hurricane Matthew along with cost shared construction funding appropriated through the U.S. Congress. Work is expected to commence in July of this year and last six months.
Dave Simonelli, president of Great Lakes’ Dredging segment commented, “Our hopper dredges have supplied sand for Myrtle Beach’s coastal protection needs several times in the past. We look forward to working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Charleston District to create wider beaches which help protect the area's infrastructure while providing recreational benefits.”