(MANASQAN INLET, N.J. – JULY 2, 2008) — While outbound to begin clamming operations, the F/V Susan II, a 120-ton clam vessel, sunk in approximately 35 feet of water 350 yards East of the Northern Jetty of Manasquan Inlet in Manasquan, New Jersey. The vessel allegedly made contact with the jetty, developed a hole and was lost. The three-person crew was rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard.
Donjon Marine Co., Inc., a provider of multi-faceted marine services including marine salvage, heavy lift, dredging and related emergency response services, was immediately contracted by the vessel owner to recover the vessel. It was lifted to the surface by Donjon’s derrick barge Columbia New York, placed and secured on the deck of the Columbia and subsequently towed back to New York Harbor by Donjon’s attendant 7000-horse power tug Atlantic Salvor for survey and disposal. The job was successfully completed on July 10, after weather allowed for the operation to begin.