The Booz Allen Hamilton report is critical of the Service’s civil rights program, citing the lack of an effective analysis to identify and eliminate barriers to equal employment, a lack of metrics to define success in response to Equal Opportunity reviews, and a complaint management process implemented by inadequately trained personnel that does not appear to be in full compliance with regulatory requirements. Additionally, the Booz Allen Hamilton team found confidential employee information left unattended and unlocked, as well as improperly disclosed on blog sites.
The Booz Allen Hamilton report is the most recent in nearly a decade of analyses citing deficiencies in the Coast Guard’s civil rights programs—including self-assessments by the Coast Guard.
WHO: Congressman Elijah E. Cummings, Chairman
Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation
WHAT: Hearing to Examine Civil Rights Services and Diversity Initiatives in the U.S. Coast Guard
WHEN: Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 2pm
WHERE: Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2167
Independence Ave. at S. Capitol St., SW
Washington, D.C.
Live webcast of the hearing will be available at
WITNESSES: Ms. Terri Dickerson
Director, Office of Civil Rights
U.S. Coast Guard
Rear Admiral Jody Breckenridge
Assistant Commandant for Human Resources
U.S. Coast Guard