Ten days after posting its initial version of the Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) registry on its website, as previously reported, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has issued a press release announcing the establishment of the publicly available registry. Establishment of the registry is an early step in implementing the CUI program. The CUI program matters to maritime transportation security, because it will ultimately impact on how Sensitive Security Information (SSI) is dealt with.
The press release quotes the Director of the National Archives Information Security Oversight Office as saying: “Establishing the registry is a key milestone in the program’s development. It allows us to better define the universe of information that will retain some form of control, and then to rationalize the various rule sets that will apply to that information. Agencies can better sort through options for marking, safeguarding and ultimately de-controlling information now that we know better the categories we are talking about.
.â€When implementation of the CUI program is complete, federal departments and agencies will be limited to using categories listed in the CUI registry for controlling unclassified information that is deemed too sensitive for general dissemination. Implementation will be phased in, however, based, according to the press release, on “compliance plans and target dates to be submitted by executive agencies and departments.†NARA will consult with the agencies and the Office of Management and Budget before setting actual compliance dates, including the use of standardized CUI makings.
The press release also notes the availability of additional information and CUI training on line at www.archives.gov/cui.NOTE: This post may be copied, distributed, and displayed and derivative works may be based on it, provided it is attributed to Maritime Transportation Security News and Views by John C. W. Bennett, http://mpsint.com