Cruise ship Oceanic detained in NYC due to hull crack, deficiencies

The following is the text of a press release issued by the U.S. Coast Guard:
(NEW YORK) — A 782-foot cruise ship carrying 848 passengers and crew is being temporarily detained in New York Harbor after a routine safety inspection revealed minor hull damage and several maintenance deficiencies Thursday.
A seven person examination team from Coast Guard Sector New York boarded the cruise ship Oceanic, homeported in Malta, at 9 a.m. Thursday to conduct a routine safety inspection and found that the vessel had minor hull damage sustained prior to coming to New York Harbor. A small hole was discovered, leaking approximately one gallon of water per hour into the vessel.
Further investigation by the Coast Guard team identified 16 discrepancies including a crack in the hull below the waterline on the port side of the vessel, lifesaving, fire fighting, safety, and other maintenance deficiencies.
Coast Guard Sector New York issued an International Maritime Organization (IMO) Detention due to the ship’s hull damages and other various discrepancies. The ship was declared detained after the examination concluded at 11:30 p.m. and will remain in this status until the master can provide a repair proposal and can make necessary repairs that directly impact the ships passengers and crew.
The repair proposal will be reviewed and approved by the Coast Guard and the vessel’s classification society.
The cruise ship was inbound from Reykjavik, Iceland to the Port of New York/ New Jersey when it was stopped by the Coast Guard. The vessel’s next port of call will be Venezuela.
“As always the Coast Guard’s primary concern is for the safety of the passengers, crew and vessel. The detention of this vessel and confirmation of subsequent repair is recognized worldwide as standard practice to ensure safety,” said Capt. Robert R. O’Brien, Captain of the Port, Coast Guard Sector New York.
By Professional Mariner Staff