Compass Courses Maritime Training located in Edmonds WA, is proud to announce the completion of a Gravity Lifeboat Davit for their STCW Proficiency in Survival Craft/Lifeboatman course. The davit came off the SS Gulf Farmer which was being scrapped in TX. “We wanted to keep it as original as it was on the ship, even down to painting it battleship grey” said Compass Courses owner Julie Keim.
Having this Davit allows the school flexibility in their schedule, by offering Able Seaman and Basic Safety Training twice a month.
Compass Courses had been renting a davit for 8 years from a local community college but when the daily rent was raised over 900% it became too onerous to continue renting. “It’s all good”, said Julie, “I knew it was the best thing for my school to get our own equipment. I had a lot of industry cheering us on”.
April 2011 will mark the 10 year anniversary for Compass Courses, a school that prides itself on catering to the maritime community. Compass Courses commits to its posted schedule, even if enrollment is low, holds classes more often and provides students with free internet access, abundant parking, negotiated rates at the hotel next door. There are a myriad of dining options nearby and there is no need for a car. Visit to check out all 17 STCW/USCG approved courses offered by this modern, well run, woman-owned school.