The new EIS stems from the first EIS, which was prepared in support of the interim rule published in September 2008. Under the interim rule, the discharge of bulk dry cargo residue is allowed to continue in limited areas of the Great Lakes and under certain conditions. The Coast Guard plans to issue a final rule that may modify the interim rule and add new conditions for discharges. The new EIS will support the final rule.
The public scoping meeting, designed to solicit public comment and to help determine the scope of issues to be addressed in the new EIS, is scheduled for Jan. 28, 2009, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., at the Hotel Blake, 500 South Dearborn, Chicago, Ill.
To view the notice of intent online go to Once on the site, go to “search documents” and enter USCG-2004-19621.