The survey has been available to anyone since Feb. 13 on the Coast Guard’s Homeport site at, however this site is geared toward professional mariners and other stakeholders in the maritime transportation system and does not attract as much traffic as the service’s primary web site.
“The marine safety and security survey further builds upon the U.S. Coast Guard’s efforts to improve communications with the maritime public by ensuring we understand the needs of our customers and other stakeholders,” said Rear Adm. James Watson, director of prevention policy for the Coast Guard. “Having our organization properly aligned with the end users of our services is central to improving the Coast Guard’s delivery of service to the marine industry.”
The anonymous, eight-question survey covers topics including professionalism, regulatory stewardship, customer support and customer perceptions of safety, security and cleanliness of ports and waterways. While the survey is anonymous, it does allow users to request a follow up contact from a Coast Guard representative.
The survey can be accessed by visiting, selecting the missions menu bar and then clicking on the maritime safety survey button in the left column. The survey can also be accessed directly at