We actively solicited input to the MSPP, and we received many valuable comments since its initial release on May 22, 2008. To view a general category of comments received including what sections of the MSPP they address, see Marine Safety Performance Plan comments. Changes to the MSPP represent our response to these comments. Some comments and recommendations that are not reflected may be used in future Marine Safety policies and actions. The MSPP is a living document and will be updated annually and posted on the Coast Guard web. Regardless of final action on recommendations, we sincerely appreciate receiving your thoughts and recommendations.
In addition, as mentioned in the MSPP, we are now in the initial stages of a thorough, independent evaluation of the Marine Safety mission that will also include the Marine Environmental Protection (MEP) mission. The evaluation will continue through March 2009.
We will continue to accept comments to the MSPP at the following e-mail address: MSPerformancePlan@uscg.mil. As before, we will assess these comments and use them to improve next year’s plan. Also, if you desire to participate in the Marine Safety independent evaluation, please let us know at this same e-mail address. Please note, in the spirit of any independent evaluation, we can only ensure that your willingness to participate gets forwarded to the contractor.
Again, I value the input of our partners and stakeholders and encourage your thorough review of this Marine Safety Performance Plan.
James Watson
Rear Admiral, U. S. Coast Guard