September 14-15, 2021: Spill Prevention and Response for Inland Regions and Waterways. Clean Waterways serves the spill response industry in prevention, preparedness and response in the inland environment. It delivers a forum for attendees to come together to discuss case studies and lessons-learned from both recent and past incidents, discover the latest technologies advancing the industry and build relationships with all parties involved in a response. CLEAN WATERWAYS is celebrating its 5th annual conference back where it all started in Louisville, KY, and it will be held at the historic Galt House Hotel. If you can’t attend in-person, you have the option to attend virtually.
Get in front of a group of buyers from maritime, facilities, rail, pipeline and governmental units at the 2021 CLEAN WATERWAYS Conference. Those who attend CLEAN WATERWAYS are looking for new solutions and technologies to help them better prepare or respond to a hazardous spill or environmental emergency in the inland environment.
You have the option to attend the live conference at the Galt House Hotel or virtually. If you register by June 25th you will receive our early bird discounts – $200 off registration for the in-person event and $50 off registration for the virtual experience.
September 14-15, 2021
Galt House Hotel
Louisville, KY
Register HERE
Register by June 25th you will receive our early bird discounts – $200 off registration for the in-person event and $50 off registration for the virtual experience