Delay in license renewal

This is addressed to all mariners whose records are maintained by the Miami R.E.C. Despite recent articles concerning centralization of mariner’s records, Miami is not included. These articles gave the impression that the renewal process was now much more streamlined and timely. This may be true in other R.E.C.s but not Miami. As of yesterday 17 April 2008, the Miami…
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Inclining Tests and Laser Measurement

JMS has been active conducting stability tests for a wide variety of ship types. Stability tests have been conducted aboard tugs, sailing vessels, research vessels, and amphibious passenger vessels this past year. In many cases the vessels are older and undergoing major modification. K-SEA Transportation      77ft tugboat Davis Sea      94ft tugboat HoumaGreat Lake Science Center      65ft research vessel KahoYankee Sailing     …
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Ocean Technology Foundation (OTF) Search for Bonhomme Richard

    JMS is providing engineering and technical support to the Ocean Technology Foundation's (OTF) ongoing search for the remains of the historic naval warship Bonhomme Richard. JMS services include the development of the team's search area based on computer drift simulations. The first OTF expedition to find the remains of John Paul Jones' famous vessel was completed during the…
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NTSB Forensic Engineering Analysis of Ethan Allen

...initial heel 2.2 degrees to port...   ...initial trim 0.7 feet by the bow... ...approaching waves... ...operator sees waves... ...successive waves increase port heel... ...hard turn to starboard causes  further port heel... ...port roll causes passenger shift... ...capsize... On October 2, 2005 the passenger vessel Ethan Allen capsized while touring Lake George with 47 passengers and one crewmember on board.…
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Steel Replacement Mapping for T/B ROCKLAND

The Reinauer Transportation Companies (RTC) tank barge ROCKLAND underwent a scheduled ABS survey and gauging. ROCKLAND is a 67,000-barrel, ABS classed tank barge. The gauging survey identified a significant number of areas of steel requiring replacement. These included side shell and bottom stiffeners and a considerable portion of the main deck. It was difficult to interpret the 200-plus page gauging…
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Cooks need training just like any other on-board position

My first job in high school was at a local restaurant. To work there I needed a doctor’s note stating that I didn’t have any communicable diseases; then I had to take a food safety course and pass a written test before getting my “food worker’s card†issued by the county department of health. Initially I washed dishes, but after…
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Were mariners paid when their ships sank?

RE: April Issue, Page 60, CAPTAIN CHARLES DANA GIBSONS ARTICLE:IN FACT, MERCHANT MARINERS WERE PAID WHEN THEIR SHIPS SANK.Captain Gibson states "One such myth surrounding alleged calloustreatment During WW II of American Merchant Mariners by the government.I specifically reference here the erroneous assertion that once amerchant ship was lost due to enemy action or marine casualty the pay ofits crew…
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Manropes for pilots

As Captain on merchant ships one thing I did not see all that often was the use of Manropes by Pilots.  While it was seen occasionally in South Africa and a few other ports around the world it certainly was not the norm.  This low tech way of disembarking from ships is the norm on the Columbia River Bar and…
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