The following is the text of a press release issued by the U.S. Coast Guard:
(KAUAI, Hawaii) — A Coast Guard aircrew rescued an injured man Thursday approximately 100 miles west of Lihue, Kauai. Coast Guard Joint Rescue Coordination Center personnel received a call on Wednesday afternoon about a 34-year-old male who sustained an eye injury while cutting metal piping aboard the vehicle transport vessel Ryujin.
A Coast Guard aircrew from Air Station Barbers Point launched an HC-130 Hercules aircraft to establish the boat’s position and communicate with its crew at approximately 6 a.m. Thursday. Another aircrew launched an HH-65 Dolphin helicopter and transited to the boat’s location at 7 a.m. The man was hoisted aboard the helicopter at approximately 9 a.m. and transported to Lihue Airport where emergency medical services transferred him to Wilcox Memorial Hospital.
For video of the Coast Guard hoist, please click the link below: