For centuries, Catholics have called on the intercessions of Our Lady Star of the Sea to guide and protect merchant mariners, fishermen, and those in our sea forces from all the dangers of the sea. Members of the Confraternity of Our Lady Star of the Sea, in Morgan City, Louisiana, realized that of the many images and titles of our the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., that one of the oldest, and the one that is most precious for seafarers, fishermen, and their families was not present. They approached the Apostleship of the Sea of the United States of America, and together they have come to the final point of now executing a beautiful relief designed by Lou DiCocco and St Jude Liturgical Arts Studio.
The National Shrine has accepted their proposal to have a roundel marble relief carved in Italy, and placed above the Cardinal’s Door, near the relief of the Korean Martyrs in the East Narthex. The relief portrays Mary calming the troubled sea, with the North Star above her head.
Fund raising is 75% complete, and the hope is that the relief will be blessed on National Maritime Day, May 22, 2015. The Confraternity and AOS-USA wishes to invite members of the maritime community join in this project. Contributions, which are tax deductible, and can be sent to:
Apostleship of the Sea of the United States of America (AOS-USA)
1500 Jefferson Dr.
Port Arthur, Texas 77642
Contributors of gifts of $1,000 or more, will receive a replica bronze medallion of the relief. For more information, contact Doreen Badeaux at, or by phone at 409-985-4545.
Fr. Sinclair Oubre