(CHESAPEAKE, Va.) — Volvo Penta has developed a series of interceptor stabilization systems optimized for workboats, patrol boats and other commercial vessels.
The stabilizers provide three-axis trimming to meet dynamic acceleration and cruising phases of operation. The system can be controlled either automatically or manually. In the automatic mode, it is activated by boat speed.
The Volvo Penta interceptors are electrically controlled with no hydraulics. The trim blades generate lift and drag that translate into moments on the boat in all three axes depending on action. Thus, the vessel’s attitude can be adjusted in all directions.
“The interceptor system provides a significant improvement in fuel efficiency,” said Marcia Kull, vice president, marine sales, for Volvo Penta of the Americas. “When in the automatic mode, fuel efficiency is optimized by dynamically perfecting the running trim angle regardless of conditions.”
The compact system components make it easy to retrofit the Volvo Penta interceptors on existing vessels. With no hydraulics, the interceptor system is maintenance free. The blades have a self-cleaning function, which activates automatically once every 24 hours to minimize marine growth. Since the interceptor blades are made of composite material and will not attract electrical current, there is no need for protective anodes, which have to be replaced regularly.
The interceptors are installed in pairs and are compatible with Volvo Penta IPS, Volvo Penta DPH with electronic steering and Volvo Penta inboards.
“In line with our strategy of total helm-to-prop integration, the interceptors’ power servos are fully integrated with the Volvo Penta electronic vessel control (EVC) platform,” said Kull. “The entire propulsion system, including the interceptors, comes from a single supplier and is fully backed by Volvo Penta’s worldwide service network.”