Both people were recoverd in good condition and transported to Emergency Medical Service.
Station Sackets Harbor launched a 23-foot response boat after receiving a distress call, via cellular phone at approximately 1 p.m., from two New York Department of Environmental Conservation employees who were is distress. Their vessel capsized while they were conducting maintenance on a private aid to navigation.
The station crewmembers arrived on scene approximately 12 minutes after receiving the distress call and retrieved the two boaters from the water. Both were wearing life jackets.
The two boaters were taken to Station Sackets Harbor and transferred to waiting Emergency Medical Services. No injuries were reported.
The Coast Guard recommends that all boaters have a means of communication onboard and that life jackets be worn at all times while on the water. The Coast Guard recommends that along with a cellular phone, all boaters have a functioning marine-band radio onboard.
“Having a cell phone with the number for the local Coast Guard station available enabled the small boat to get on scene quickly”, said James Cox, a Search-and-Rescue Controller at the Sector Buffalo Command Center, “Additionally, the fact that both people were wearing life jackets helped them survive, especially since the water temperature is so low.”
For media inquires or further information contact the Ninth District Public Affairs Office at (216)-902-6020.