(KANSAS CITY, Mo.) — The Towing Vessel Inspection Bureau (TVIB) has issued its first towing safety management system (TSMS) certificate to Crounse Corp. Crounse successfully completed a full Subchapter M TSMS audit including a review of its operations for compliance.
Crounse is the first of a number of companies that have chosen TVIB as their U.S. Coast Guard-approved third-party organization (TPO) for Subchapter M compliance. The certificate is an important milestone in the development of TVIB and is a significant achievement for its staff and members.
TVIB is working with a number of TPO customers to take advantage of a recent Coast Guard policy letter (CG-CVC Policy Letter 17-02) and the American Waterways Operators alert issued on June 8 that provided guidance on how a company can use its previous RCP management audit toward the issuance of its initial TSMS certificate. Additionally, TVIB is preparing those same customers to take the necessary steps to apply for and obtain COIs for their vessels in the coming year.
TVIB has a broad geographic dispersion of Subchapter M auditors and surveyors throughout the inland river system, the Gulf of Mexico and from the West Coast to the East Coast. Its experienced auditors and surveyors have a keen understanding of the industry, as many started out their career on deck, moving up to the wheelhouse and on to shoreside operations and management.
For more about TVIB and to learn how its TPO services can help companies achieve Subchapter M compliance ahead of the July 20, 2018 deadline, visit www.thetvib.org.