The following is the text of a news release from the State University of New York (SUNY) Maritime College:
(THROGGS NECK, N.Y.) — Rear Adm. Michael Alfultis, president of SUNY Maritime College, recently signed a memorandum of agreement to begin a student exchange program with National Taiwan Ocean University.
The agreement, signed at NTOU’s campus, stipulates that each institution will take as many as two students a semester from the other to “promote international friendship and world peace by stimulating and supporting intercultural activities and projects.”
“SUNY Maritime is delighted to sign this agreement with National Taiwan Ocean University,” said Alfultis. “There is not a single part of this world that is not touched by the global maritime industry. Fostering an understanding between cultures is vitally important to the industry, and this partnership will give our students and those from NTOU a better understanding of a different part of the world.
“I would also like to personally thank Dr. Ching-Fong Chang, president of NTOU, and his administration and other university officials for welcoming us and serving as such generous hosts during our time in their country."
The partnership also encourages joint research activities, seminars and visits from faculty from both institutions.
The agreement was signed as part of NTOU’s 63rd anniversary celebrations. At the celebration, NTOU awarded honorary degrees to James Chao, chairman and founder of the Foremost Group, and Elaine Chao, who served as secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor under President George W. Bush.
Founded in 1953 as the Provincial Taiwan Maritime Technology College, National Taiwan Ocean University has nearly 8,000 students. Its curriculum focuses on engineering, ocean sciences, electrical engineering and computer science, and management. It is located in Keelung, Taiwan.