(PORT ARTHUR, Texas) — The Sabine Pilots Association on Monday formally opened its new headquarters at 2605 Jimmy Johnson Boulevard in Port Arthur. The new structure was designed and built to enable the pilots to handle the growth and challenges of expanding shipping demands on their waterway.
Present were some 500 maritime community stakeholders as well as elected and appointed governmental and port area leaders. Speakers were Capt. Charles A. Tweedel, president of the Sabine Pilots, and the Reve. Sinclair Oubre of the Port Arthur Seafarer Center and Apostleship of the Sea, who delivered the blessing.
The 9,716-square-foot building features a covered lobby/entrance, a 30-by-38-foot conference room, an executive conference room, a library/chart room, five offices, nine bunk rooms, an exercise/locker room and covered parking. Adjacent to the building is a helipad for future use in transporting pilots that is also available to the U.S. Coast Guard and a nearby hospital.
– Sabine Pilots Association