manifolds for nearly all of the LPG (liquid petroleum gas), Ethanol, Gas,
Diesel, Heavy oil, and Kerosene lines; essentially interrupting the flow of
all the fuels entering Jamaica.
Resolve was contracted following a 3rd party’s recommendation and
immediately mobilised, surveyed the area, and utilised local resources to
quickly inspect the debris and salvage any reusable pipes. Time was of the
essence as every passing hour meant costly delays in refuelling
cruise/shipping vessels, airlines, power facilities, mass transit and
general road transportation.
Preliminary inspections using Resolve’s divers and remote operated vehicles
(ROV) found that none of the transfer pipes were salvageable. This meant
that Resolve had to quickly identify, flush, cut, raise, weld, and reroute
seven major pipes in order to restore the islands fuel supply. Meanwhile,
Resolve divers and ROV technicians surveyed the remaining dock’s physical
infrastructure and assessed the condition of the entire berth and cargo
handling systems as part of the engineering analysis required for reopening
for operations.
Resolve has since completed its work in Jamaica on June 27th and commended
both PetroJam and local government officials for their cooperation and
responsiveness in this time-sensitive undertaking.