The following is the text of a news release from Robert Allan Ltd.:
(QUEBEC CITY) — On Oct. 28, the Ocean Group Inc. of Quebec City took delivery of the 6,000-kW ASD tug Ocean Taiga. The icebreaking escort tug and its sister Ocean Tundra, two of the most powerful tugs in the Canadian registry, are part of a new generation that will provide the highest degree of year-round escort towing capability to Canada’s East Coast and the St. Lawrence Seaway.
The 188-foot Ocean Taiga and the previously delivered Ocean Tundra are part of the TundRA 3600 series (with a nominal 100 tonnes bollard pull) of icebreaking tugs designed by Robert Allan Ltd. naval architects of Vancouver, British Columbia. Ocean Tiaga was built at Ocean Group’s own shipyard, Ocean Industries on Iles aux Coudres, Quebec.
The tug will provide a wide range of services, including tanker escort, terminal support, general ship-docking operations and icebreaking/ice-management services in various ports along the St. Lawrence River. The vessel is also equipped for coastal/rescue towing and is equipped with major firefighting capability. In addition, the vessel is equipped to carry lube oil as cargo for transfer to transiting ships.
The tug was built under the inspection of and classed by Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, with the following notation: ✠ 100 A1 Escort Tug, Fire-Fighting 1 with water spray, ✠ LMC, UMS and Ice Class 1AS FS.