NTSB: Towboat pilot in grounding failed to identify charted hazard


The following is a marine accident brief from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB):

(WASHINGTON) — At 2342 local time on July 8, 2017, the uninspected towing vessel Eric Haney ran aground on a submerged portion of an erosion-control dike while pushing 15 empty barges upriver on the Upper Mississippi River by Cairo, Ill., at mile marker (mm) 13.4.1 All crewmembers climbed aboard one of the empty barges without any reported injuries. The towboat and barges were freed by the current, drifted downriver, and were pushed into the opposite bank by another towboat at mm 9.7. Eric Haney partially sank. Minimal oil sheening was observed after the sinking. Damage to the vessel was estimated at $4.3 million.

Probable cause

​The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of the grounding and subsequent sinking of Eric Haney was the pilot’s failure to identify a charted navigation hazard (erosion-control dike) during towing operations.

Click here to read the complete report.

By Professional Mariner Staff