SEVERNA PARK, MD-In a ceremony that mixed fond memories with humorous stories, the National Marine Electronics Association celebrated the life of Charles “Chuck” Husick, who died September 13 at the age of 77. Association President, David Hayden, presented NMEA’s Lifetime Achievement Award posthumously to Husick’s son and grandson at the October 2 banquet capping the NMEA’s 2010 International Marine Electronics Conference & Expo in Seattle, Washington.
Husick was the former head of the Chris-Craft Boat Co. and Konel Marine Electronics, a board member of the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services and a frequent contributor to numerous marine magazines. He was the first industry veteran named to the Boat U.S. National Advisory Council and held a 100-ton Coast Guard Master’s License.
Among Husick’s many personal projects was his commitment to enhance boating safety and boaters’ rights. He strongly advocated for the continuation of Loran C in opposition to a decision by the federal government to discontinue it. He also was editor of Chapman’s Piloting and Seamanship, which is considered by many to be the “boater’s bible.”
In presenting the award to Husick’s son, Brad, and grandson, Graham, President Hayden said, “All of us who knew Chuck will miss him very much. He was an important part of this industry and a valuable supporter of boating safety. His loss will be felt by the boating public as well as by all of us for many years to come.”
George Lariviere, a longtime electronics expert and current chairman of RTCM, told the audience of more than 200, “Chuck was a member of the RTCM Board of Directors for the past eight years. RTCM took great pride in having Chuck’s knowledge of both engineering and constitutional requirements as a member of the Board. His frank common sense and burning consumer advocacy always helped the Board maintain proper focus in determining future requirements of marine electronics standards. Chuck would pursue his idea with a very high level of expertise, contributing to issues at hand and always promoting the consumer point of view. He will be greatly missed by me, the Board and the membership of RTCM. We’ve lost a very dedicated member whose shoes will be very difficult to fill.”
NMEA’s Lifetime Achievement Award honors remarkable persons who have “improved the public good through the field of marine electronics.” The award is not made annually.
Founded in 1957, the NMEA has led the way in establishing technical standards for data exchange in marine electronics, with the widely accepted NMEA 0183 data protocol, NMEA 2000® and certification standards for marine electronics technicians. NMEA standards and programs focus on insuring that the boating consumer is provided reliable products and professional service. For more information, visit the NMEA website at or call (410) 975-9425.