Morgan Thermal Ceramics announces its new FireMaster® Marine Plus Blanket, a lightweight fire insulation that provides weight savings of up to 30 percent compared to standard FireMaster® blanket and traditional mineral fiber fire insulation products. Its weight savings makes it ideal for achieving improved fuel efficiency, faster speed, or even increasing available cargo capacity. The product is also an excellent acoustic and thermal insulator.
Engineered to meet the most stringent of performance requirements in a variety of aluminum, steel and composite bulkhead and deck structures, FireMaster® Marine Plus Blanket provides both cellulosic and hydrocarbon fire protection. Certified systems include Class A steel and aluminum bulkheads and decks, high speed craft constructions built from 2mm aluminum plate, and 30 and 60 minute-rated composite sandwich panel bulkheads and decks.
In addition to being lighter than traditional mineral wool insulation, FireMaster® Marine Plus Blanket is easier to install. Available in rolls rather than sheets, the product can be installed in larger areas without having to make joints. When installed in conjunction with stiffeners, the flexible material can be profile-wrapped, improving performance and reducing installation costs.
FireMaster® Marine Plus Blanket is certified to all International Maritime Organization (IMO) requirements under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), and is ideal for any vessel required to have structural divisions. The product has also received both Det Norske Veritas (DNV) “Type Approvals” and European Union Marine Equipment Directive 96/98/EC approvals for use in a variety of ship types, including ferries, naval vessels, tugs, barges, and cruise ships, as well as larger recreational yachts.
About Morgan Thermal Ceramics
Morgan Thermal Ceramics is a world leader in the design and manufacture of advanced heat insulation products which are used to help reduce energy consumption in a range of industrial processes, from iron and steel production to power generation. Key products include Superwool® the leading low bio–persistent insulating fibre, insulating firebricks (IFBs) and a range of monolithic materials. The business employs some 3,000 people in more than 50 locations worldwide, with manufacturing sites in 25 countries.
Morgan Thermal Ceramics is a business within the Morgan Ceramics Division of The Morgan Crucible Company plc, one of the world's leading advanced materials companies. The company specialises in the design, manufacture and marketing of ceramic and carbon products which are used in a wide range of applications, from transport and telecommunications to fire protection and medical instruments. Morgan Crucible is listed on the London Stock Exchange in the engineering sector.
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