McMurdo To Introduce $75 Rebate on All EPIRBs

A $75 rebate will be available on US, Canadian and Latin American purchases of a McMurdo Smartfind series EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) from February 14 through June 30, 2013.

The rebate applies to purchases of the McMurdo model 10-82-800-001A Smartfind Plus G5 GPS EPIRB (manual), the 10-82-800-002A Smartfind Plus G5 GPS EPIRB (automatic), the 10-82-800-003A Smartfind E5 406 EPIRB (namual) and the 10-82-800-004A Smartfind E5 406 EPIRB (automatic). The Smartfind Plus G5 GPS EPIRB is shown at left. MSRP for the range starts at US $449.00.

McMurdo SmartFind EPIRBs are the most compact, technically advanced and robust units available. Non-hazardous batteries make shipment quick and easy ensuring that vessels are not unduly delayed, no matter where they may be, when a replacement unit is required. Smartfind EPIRBs are available in a manual bracket or a SOLAS approved automatic housing.

To order Point Purchase Displays, receive Dealer support and promotional assistance, please contact Survitec Survival Products, the US distributor of McMurdo Marine products, at or McMurdo Marine at

Introducing The McMurdo Smartfind S20
Survivor Recovery System

The Smartfind S20 is a personal AIS device worn on a lifejacket and activated by sliding off the safety tab and lifting an arming cap to deploy the antenna. The compact, lightweight unit sends alert messages, GPS position and a special identity code directly to AIS receivers within approximately a four mile radius. A flashing LED light aids location at night.
S20A unique, built-in, high precision GPS receiver – which updates every 60 seconds – assures accuracy of the data transmitted from the S20 SRS. With precise location, distance and bearing data, fellow crew members (and nearby AIS-enabled receivers) receive all the information they need to locate the position of the person in difficulty and to enable a speedy recovery. The S20 SRS will transmit continuously for up to 24 hours and has a seven year battery storage life. It is made of ultra durable ABS and is waterproof to five meters.
For more information about McMurdo Smartfind EPIRBs, the S20 SRS and other McMurdo emergency location products, visit booth C 95 and 1642 at the 2013 Miami International Boat Show or


* The COSPAS SARSAT system is a global government-controlled system which defines a common standard for search and rescue by satellites. For further details visit 2010 figures are the last full year of figures currently announced.

About McMurdo:  
McMurdo is a world leading producer of Emergency Positioning Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs), Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs), Search and Rescue Transponders (SARTs), NAVTEX and VHF Radios for the maritime and leisure markets, including shipping, yachting, and outdoor adventure pursuits. The high quality product range is manufactured in the UK utilising the very latest technology available, and in partnership with the world's safety regulatory organisations.  

About Orolia SA  
Orolia is a high-technology group specialized in precise Positioning, Navigation and Timing. Orolia provides high-precision electronics equipments that generate, distribute, measure and process the High-precision Time & Frequency signals that Critical Operations use to detect, trace, control, analyze or synchronize time and location-critical events. High-precision timing, positioning and synchronization solutions are vital for critical applications in growing markets such as Defense, Public Safety, and Telecom & Broadcasting in land, maritime, air or space environments. Since 2006, the Orolia group has been able to establish itself as one of the leaders in PNT solutions at a global level through its strong brands: Spectracom, SpectraTime, T4Science, McMurdo, Kannad Aviation, Kannad Marine integrated into two Customer-Focused Divisions : "Positioning" and "Timing, Test & Measurement". Orolia's headquarters are located in Les Ulis, (France). The company also has main offices in Neuchâtel (Switzerland), Rochester (New York), Basingstoke (UK), Portsmouth (UK) and Guidel (France). (France). Orolia has both OSEO "Innovative Company" & "OSEO Excellence" Labels and wins the Bold Creativity Prize (2010) and the Deloitte 1st Prize in aeronautical sector at the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 annual award (2011).   

By Professional Mariner Staff