Middletown, California – MARPOL Training Institute, Inc. (MTI) has recently added MARPOL Annex II Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk and Annex III Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form to their software package: Meeting MARPOL Standards (MMS). This comprehensive computer-based training software package now covers all six technical regulations, Annex I-VI, adopted by the IMO MARPOL Convention. Companies that have previously purchased the training system from MTI will receive these additional annexes as part of their annual update service. MMS is available in English or Portuguese language audio tracks with interactive screen images as well as a Korean language audio track with English text interactive screen images.
MARPOL Training Institute, Inc. is a California-based training and consulting company specializing in computer-based software for maritime pollution abatement that includes Meeting MARPOL Standards (MMS), Waste Management Best Practices (WMBP) and NPDES Training for Vessels (NTV). Developed by Captain Robert Hall and Chief Engineer David Hiller, who have over 75 years of combined experience in the shipping industry, these programs allow crew and officers to work at their own pace, prints a Certificate of Completion for the student, and provides an auditable database record for the company.
To view a demo of all of these programs, visit MARPOL Training Institute’s website at http://marpoltraining.com. For more information on the MARPOL Training Institute, contact Bob Hall at 415-354-4218 or via email at info@marpol.us. A no cost trial version of the software is available by registering at www.marpoltraining.com/contact2.htm
Knowledge is the First Step to Compliance