(LONDON) — Global ship tracking intelligence company MarineTraffic has become a founding member of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) supported Global Industry Alliance (GIA).
GIA, launched Thursday at IMO's London headquarters, is an alliance made of 13 leading shipowners and operators, classification societies, engine and machinery builders and other technology providers to support shipping and its related industries towards a low-carbon future. The alliance will be working to support the implementation of energy efficiency measures for shipping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
"As a provider of independent, reliable and comprehensive data on vessel movements, MarineTraffic is proud to be playing its part in supporting the shipping industry's drive towards a cleaner and more efficient future. We are passionate believers in the huge changes which transparency and big data can help deliver across the shipping industry," said MarineTraffic partner Argyris Stasinakis.
Thirteen companies have so far signed up to launch the GIA, under the auspices of the GloMEEP project, a Global Environment Facility (GEF)-United Nations Development Program (UNDP)-IMO project.
Together, the GIA partners will collectively identify and develop innovative solutions to address common barriers and promote the uptake of energy-efficiency technologies and operational measures. Activities likely to be undertaken by or promoted by the alliance will include: research and development; industry fora to encourage global industry dialogue; and the implementation of capacity building and information exchange activities.
The founding GIA members are: ABB Engineering (Shanghai) Ltd., DNV GL SE, MarineTraffic, Lloyd's Register EMEA, MSC Mediterranean Shipping Co. S.A., Ricardo UK Ltd, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., Shell International Trading and Shipping Co. Ltd., Silverstream Technologies, Stena AB, Wartsila Corp., Total Marine Fuels Pte Ltd., and Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.
For further details see http://glomeep.imo.org/.