(NEW ORLEANS) — MarineCFO Chief Technology Officer Dean Shoultz has been invited to participate in panel discussions during the Ship Owners’ Cooperative Program (SOCP) Fall Meeting on Oct. 6 in Houston. Shoultz will join with other industry experts in addressing “What Do We Do to Prevent Cyber Intrusions.”
Shoultz, a leading figure in marine technology circles, has more recently become a vocal advocate for commercial cybersecurity solutions which support the burgeoning maritime technology footprint.
“Cybersecurity risk management should be part of every maritime safety management system and security plan. In practical terms, shipboard technologies should be engineered to perform continuous cyber-risk assessments and to raise the alarm in the event of a system compromise," Shoultz said.
Although MarineCFO and Shoultz have received attention for their Vessel 365 Subchapter M recordkeeping solution released in July, there has been an increasing concern focused on cyber vulnerabilities posed by the proliferation of shipboard technologies.
“Technology brings both risk and reward. Vessel owners are best advised to maintain their technology solutions with the same care and diligence with which they maintain any other onboard essential or critical system,” Shoultz said. “Cybersecurity and software updates are as vital to computer performance as regular oil changes and overhauls are to the longevity of a main engine.”
For more information, visit www.marinecfo.com.